all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 2FS 1 1 52.190579 -0.064262
CB23 2NG 20 0 52.180533 -0.033118
CB23 2NH 5 0 52.178067 -0.031896
CB23 2NJ 22 0 52.176541 -0.034201
CB23 2NL 8 0 52.179773 -0.032289
CB23 2NN 6 0 52.177467 -0.033107
CB23 2NP 7 3 52.179368 -0.037429
CB23 2NQ 7 0 52.178645 -0.032061
CB23 2NS 3 0 52.18246 -0.019312
CB23 2NW 6 0 52.177087 -0.031664
CB23 2RE 61 1 52.184635 -0.012852
CB23 2RF 2 2 52.186262 -0.008803
CB23 2RH 5 0 52.1837 -0.008549
CB23 2RJ 6 0 52.182845 -0.014424
CB23 2RL 53 12 52.185934 -0.013367
CB23 2RN 5 0 52.18465 -0.013715
CB23 2RP 6 0 52.18845 -0.01296
CB23 2RQ 7 0 52.187282 -0.007967
CB23 2RR 5 0 52.187592 -0.010628
CB23 2RS 7 0 52.187825 -0.013222